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Humanity is undergoing transformation...


As a 17 year old art student I encountered a pod of dolphins meters from the shore of my home town.


I experienced their ability to function as multidimensional beings.


I began to realise the meaning of our relationship to dolphins and whales & know an evolution of consciousness that occurs through true connection with them.


In the Red Sea at the age of 25 I met Olin, a lone dolphin that became a my teacher & guide into deeper and higher realms of being.

Olin began to reveal what she really was; an advanced being fulfilling a promise she made at the end of the last age - to returned to bring a transmission to humanity, in this time of the rising of consciousness.


For the following 7 years I introduced people to her. Dolphin Heart - destiny rising is the sharing of this journey & what was revealed, a message of Love & Reassurance of the perfection of the divine blueprint we are all unfolding.


The true story of our bond with the beings of the ocean, and our destiny to become activated & evolve while human into full spectrum consciousness, "Bridges across Creation." 

" I don`t ever recall being drawn so deeply

& completely into any other book. "


​Nicolya Cristi - author of Contemporary Spirituality for an Evolving World




"There comes a time in our journey when we must drop all masks, even the mask of being human. A story of a man willing to make a journey deep into his own heart.

In a world torn apart, this beautiful book is a story of hope & redemption.

We recognize that our healing comes in most unexpected ways, that there is a meeting place of the heart where all boundaries dissolve." 


    Kiara Windrider

author of -Year Zero  Time of the Great Shift





Michelle Pilley, Director HAY HOUSE UK



"Reading this book is like being hit on the head with a hammer"

Laurence Shorter  author of - The Optiomist & The Lazy  Gurus Guide to Life







What other Visionary Writers have said about
DolphinHeart Destiny Rising

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